Its time to be united

Junior doctors are again attacked in the Gandhi Hospital,Hyderabad on 11th June.It is very unfortunate that the death of a 28 yr old pregnant patient was followed by ransacking of the hospital and assaulting the doctors in the labour room.Even on-duty junior doctors were beaten up severely. Patient was brouht to the hopital in very critical condition & the patient party was then informed about the risks involved.Despite of the fact the attackers alleged that the woman died due to medical negligence.
Meanwhile, the medicos took up a dharna and demanded that the police invoke the ordinance and arrest the attackers.But unfortunately the police did not able to take any action against the attackers till now! The indifferent attitude of the authorities making the public more daring to attack the doctors very frequently even without any reasons.And this type of incidence is increasing all over the country.
We,the junior doctors are not united, that' why the authorities are so much indifferent to these serious matter.Its time to come-up friend,its time to be united.Unless we would n't able to save ourselves.


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